Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh, man.

Right after I posted the hospital called and said Shaughnessy was back down in level 3. She had a bad choke on some spit-up and they think she aspirated some in her lungs. They've put her back on an IV and discontinued her feeds for the moment (I'm not 100% sure why but I'll find out as soon as I go) and thankfully haven't put her back on CPAP. She'd be devastated to have to wear it again.

I'll update late tonight when I get back home.

Update 11:54 p.m.

Well, we went in to see her and when I got there Andrew was already there, having gone straight from work as soon as I called him to let him know what happened. He was giving her hand hugs and helping her keep her soother in and it was really nice to get there and see her being loved up by her dad.

The charge nurse explained things again to me as soon as I came in and reassured me that they thought she was looking OK but that they were going to do x-rays to see what was going on in her lungs. She was also more pale than usual and very sleepy and still since the whole episode had been stressful. We sat with her for a bit and since the shift change was coming up we decided to go out for a bite to eat so that we wouldn't be in the way.

When we got back her colour had improved some but she was still very out of it. Toward ten she was getting pretty upset, though, since she'd missed two feeds by that point and was used to getting them so regularly. Her night nurse said that the doctors would decide on their rounds when she should go back on her feeds and that wasn't coming up for a little bit so I figured we'd come home and I'd call back a bit later to see how she was doing and whether she was back on them. She did calm down after a diaper change and also a change from the position she'd been in for the last few hours so we felt OK about leaving after that.

If things continue to go well and she doesn't take a turn for the worse she could be back in the level 2 nursery by Sunday morning. It can take a few days for lung problems to really worsen, but so far everyone seems to think she's doing OK and will likely recover well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I sure hope they are wrong about the aspiration business. I'm praying!